Friday, August 15, 2014

Important Announcement!

Once again I have this crazy idea for a story in my head. I've been reading a Bring me Back to Life challenge and it's really got my attention. It looks like so much fun to play through. The problem is, I already have two legacies (one is on hold already...) and a one generation short story running. With my schedule the way it is now it'll be almost impossible to get timely updates for each story as I'd like to. I love A Graying World and I have this attachment to it because it's my first legacy story. Despite this though, I do recognize that the story doesn't flow 100% as I would like it to and sometimes I feel like certain characters are being ignored and all the other troubles legacy writers have. I have too much freedom in writing this that in some parts the story isn't linear. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but A Graying World is my test legacy. It's where I'm trying new ideas and focuses to see what I'd like to write about and what people would like to read. The problem I've had with this legacy is finding time to play. When I log in to my sims account, I dedicate my time to this legacy. The way the storyline is set up is that I go in, take pictures and then write about it. After I take the pictures, I find myself at a loss of what to do next. I feel like it's a chore, and I'm no longer playing the Gray family but being their personal photographer. I want to share my stories because I love to write but I also want to play the game. I don't really want to give up writing this or my other stories. My solution is this, I will write a new story, this time I'll go into the game to play the family and take the occasional picture and follow the legacy challenge rules. (I find it much more fun if my sims have to work to get what they have, which was a plot hole in my first legacy). A Graying World WILL NOT BE CANCELED. I just felt like sharing my thoughts on how the legacy is going and shed some light on the behind the scenes of playing them. I love them, but sometimes its just a hassle. Until I get up to a certain point in the story, the updates will be slower. As for How to Be a Star, I went in knowing it would be a posed story. I basically write the story first and then take the pictures which is less fun but works out for the plot. I will not abandon this story either. I'm not really worried about getting this done because it'll probably only have like 10 chapters.  The Wild Flower Legacy is still going to be on hold, and I don't know for how long.

Please let me know how you guys feel about all of this. My new Bring Me Back to Life challenge/story/legacy will be a mystery headed by Edmund Flynn from Midnight Hollow. You can read more about him on the Sims Wiki or by googling it. EA set up a very intriguing back story for him and I'm excited to write about it. All of this being said, I have the pictures for the next chapter of A Graying World ready and the next chapter should be out soon.

Happy Simming!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the Gray's won't be cancelled and I'll patiently wait for updates. I know what you mean about just playing the game and not worrying about the story line. I try to just play the game, take pictures during, then write using the pictures taken. Sometimes the story expands beyond the pictures then I go back in and use the pose player for anything additional I need. This way I allow the game to surprise me with something unexpected and I try to incorporate it into the story while keeping in mind the outline I have set up. I think that's probably why my generations get a little long. I agree it's hard to give every character equal time and some you just like more than others.
    Look forward to reading to reading what you have in store for Edmund Flynn.
